Fascial Manipulation for Internal Dysfunctions offers a new method to resolve the dysfunctions of internal organs. Therapists work on specific points of the trunk wall (container), to restore the peristalsis of the viscera, vessels and glands (contents).
Internal organ motility is linked to the autonomic nervous system; this book examines the ganglia of this system in relation to the fasciae that contain them. Fascial Manipulation for Internal Dysfunctions presents a new perspective on internal dysfunctions and provides medical doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, osteopaths and other health practitioners with the guidelines for resolving them.
Preface by Jean-Pierre Barral –
In recent years, many scholars have shifted their attention from the organs to the fasciae that surround them, but this is the first book to provide a united vision of all the internal fasciae. Furthermore, it proposes a biomechanical model that defines the specific relationships between, organs, fasciae and the musculoskeletal system. This model is supported by beautiful images of dissection that help to visibly comprehend the internal fasciae and the relationships that they have with organs, viscera, and the musculoskeletal
system. This book examines all facets of the fascia, evidencing how this is the only tissue of the human body that modifies its consistency when under stress (plasticity) and yet is capable of regaining its elasticity when subjected to manipulation (malleability).
I particularly appreciate the concept of the tensile structures that explains perfectly how the different trunk cavities can interact with the internal organs. The fasciae of the trunk are arranged according to the principles of tensile structures, allowing for ample trunk movements without interfering with the function of the internal organs.
This concept effectively shifts the therapist’s attention from the organ itself to its “container”, and treatment can then focus on recreating a suitable environment within which the organs can move according to their physiological rhythms.
In our books, we have always sustained the importance of the mobility and motility of the internal organs. Now, this book by Stecco maintains the main theme of the fasciae but extends it further to apparatuses and systems. Initially, the reader may be disconcerted by the numerous different manual approaches that are proposed. However, once these approaches have been learnt, the necessity to adopt different approaches in order to treat all the clinical variations that a single patient may present is clarified. Based on these considerations, one may deduce that this manual by Stecco represents a useful instrument for all therapists interested in treating internal dysfunctions without the use of medications (such as antacids, pain killers, antispasmodics etc.), which often mask the signs and symptoms expressed by the human body.
Lastly, I would like to underline the clarity with which Stecco has described the autonomic system and its relationship with the internal fasciae. Seen in this light, the autonomic system no longer represents an incomprehensible chaos. Due to its interactions with the visceral fasciae, it acts as a peripheral brain that regulates the functions of the different organs perfectly.
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