FASCIAL MANIPULATION INSTITUTE by Stecco now offers FM professionals the opportunity to obtain certification to attest to the fact that the practitioner has mastered the highest level of available training in FM.

Fascial Manipulation Certification® is an opportunity for those who are qualified to obtain it but it is not obbligatory
The FMC® will guarantee that the treatment offered by the FMC® holder follows the approved procedures of the method’s founder, Luigi Stecco, with the aim of preventing any abuses.
Obtaining an FMC® will bestow the following benefits to its holders:
• Their name will appear on the online official list of “CERTIFIED FASCIAL MANIPULATION SPECIALISTS” kept on the official FM website.
• In their personal promotional activities, they may use the trademarked names Fascial Manipulation®, Manipulation of Fascia® or Stecco®, as well as the logo ®. Such used as professional letterhead stationery, business cards, local sign and brochures.
The Fascial Manipulation Certification® examination can be requested by those who have
• Completed the I° – II° – III° Level courses in Fascial Manipulation.
• Actively used the method for a period of at least one year after completion of the III° Level certification.
Obtaining the FMC®
The certification may be requested via the dedicated page of the website www.fascialmanipulation-Stecco.com in the following way:
1. Click on “Certification”.
2. Read and confirm that you have read the information on the certification.
3. Complete the online form for the creation of the applicant’s account (if the applicant does not already have one).
4. After having received the confirmation email, go the platform home-page once again and click on “Certification”. Then fill in the date, place, and teachers’ names of the I°, II° and III° level certification completed.
5. Click on the link “payment” in order to deposit the amount of € 500 (VAT included) via credit card. This amount covers:
• € 200 for the cost of the monitoring and teaching of the exam for the certification
• €300 for the license to use the brand for three years, this will help defray expenses incurred for the legal defense of the brand name and logo.
(Note, should an applicant not pass the exam, he or she will be given a refund of €300.)
6. FMC examination will take place on June 9, 2017 in conjunction with the Fascial Manipulation Annual Congress. This examination will evaluate the applicant’s ability to:
• take a pertinent case history
• understand how to form an hypothesis based on information collected
• perform an examination of motor function.
• perform a palpatory examination of the points
• determine the treatment strategy
• demonstrate fascial manipulation method.
7. Results of the exam will be sent by email within 30 days after the examination.
8. The Certification itself can be downloaded from the platform by the successful applicant, using his/her username and password.
9. Three years from the date of acquisition of the certification, the certified practitioner can request to attend the free update day, to renew his/her qualification for the FMC, in conjunction with the Fascial Manipulation Annual Congress. The renewal will cost € 300 to cover the next three years.
10. In the case of grave breach, the Fascial Manipulation Institute by Stecco reserves the right to cancel the certification via registered mail.
FM practitioners who decide not to pursue the FMC but who have received certificates in each of the levels of FM courses must understand that he/she:
• may use the basics of FM only for his/her own practice;
• use the designation “participation in Fascial Manipulation® courses created by Luigi Stecco” on curriculum Vitae and other professional biographical
• only use the term “Fascial Manipulation®” in the list of techniques used in his/her clinic without taking advantages of the term “Fascial Manipulation®”
on promotional materials.

For more information go to www.fascialmanipulation-stecco.com

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