Dear AMF Members, 

On June 10th, 2017 the current Executive Council of AMF will end its mandate. A new election will take place at the Assembly of members to be held during the AMF annual Congress, June 10th, 2017 at the Tulip Inn Hotel, Padova, Italy. The Assembly of members will vote for the four members of the Executive Council for the years 2017-2020; during this period the Executive Council will be responsible for the ordinary and extraordinary management of the Association, for the promotion of the Fascial Manipulation method as taught by Luigi Stecco, for promoting research in the field of fasciae and for managing liasons between AMF and other associations or institutes.

All members who are up-to-date with their membership can become candidates for the election. Whoever is interested in applying for election has to send his/her application by e-mail to the address: info@fascialmanipulation.com before May 10th, 2017

AMF Executive Council

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